(CIS-intern) – Movement – treffender kann der Name des aktuellen Albums von Momofoko kaum sein und die zahlreichen Tour-Termine und das Feedback auf die bisherige Veröffentlichungen sprechen für sich.
Momofoko bewegen sich und bewegen ihre Fans mit immer neuen Indie-Tracks, überraschenden Hooklines und konsequent hämmernden Dance-Floor-Beats. Wer da ruhig bleib ist selber schuld. Am 22.4.2013 spielt Momfoko mit dem neuen Album “Movement” im Gepäck ein Konzert im Prinz Willy in Kiel.
MOMOFOKO has been moving. Moving towards new dawns, new encounters and bitter farewells along the way. Still we’ve always held on to our expression and our most fundamental idea of blending indie music with dance floor beats, pop hooks with disco-funk guitars, stiff arpeggiator synthesizers with live percussion and that you can never have to many drummers in one band.
MOMOFOKO has been moving. Moving and touring in both Germany and Sweden, met new fans and friends along the way while simultaneously writing and recording new songs. This record has brought us to new undiscovered, sometimes terrifying, places but we´ve come out on the other side with a new sound, new ideas and new discoveries… This is MOVEMENT.
MOMOFOKOs new album “MOVEMENT” will be released in Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg on the 22nd of March by Stereoflex Records and our own label Electric Nonsense. “MOVEMENT” contains 9 songs, each of them reflecting our movement as a band. The first single, “We Know”, was released the 22nd of June 2012 and got many good responses in the German music-press, TV and radio.
MOVEMENT was recorded and mixed over almost a year, in four different studios but always with our longtime producer Anders Alexander working his crazy synthesizer magic on the tracks. For the first time we felt that we wanted to do some of the recording ourselves and we´re proud that we´ve taken yet another step to ensure our artistic integrity in doing so.
MOVEMENT is an attempt of rallying the masses around the manifesto of our last album MOMOISM. The idea of mixing high and low, electric and organic, elegant and dirty.
In April and May MOMOFOKO will be on tour in Germany promoting the new album and shows in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Poland are constantly being added for a tour this summer….
MOMOFOKO will keep on moving.
22. April 2013 – 21 Uhr
Prinz Willy Kiel
stereoflex records
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